2. Complete the registration form.
Note: Your password must be at least 8 characters in length.
Note: All fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory.
3. To log in, navigate back to The Cartoon Bank homepage, and click "login" in the top, right-hand corner.
4. Enter your email address and password, sign in, then start shopping!
Q: Why can't I find The New Yorker cartoon I'd like to license on The Cartoon Bank? I'm positive it appeared in an issue.
A: Because The New Yorker's cartoon collection is so large, we only house a select number of published illustrations online. However, the cartoon you'd like to license may still be available. Please email image_licensing@condenast.com with the subject line, "TCB – cartoon upload," and enclose the cartoon's asset details (issue date, name of cartoonist, description of cartoon, etc.). We'll track it down, upload it online, and send an email that you can proceed with online checkout as usual if it is eligible for license.
Q: I would like to pay by invoice rather than by credit card, but my shopping cart totals less than $1,500. What do I do?
A: Please email image_licensing@condenast.com with the subject line, "TCB - pay by invoice," and enclose your Cartoon Bank username. We will review your account payment settings.
Q: How long is my cartoon license valid?
A: Cartoon licenses are valid for the life of the specific work that contains the licensed cartoon (say, the book that you self-publish). If you re-issue a product or create a second edition, you must pay for a new license.
Q: Can I buy an original cartoon?
A: Yes, some cartoonists are willing to sell original cartoons, starting at $2,200 each. Please email image_licensing@condenast.com with the subject line, "TCB – original art," and enclose the cartoon's asset details (issue date, name of cartoonist, description of cartoon, etc.) for more information.
Q: Where can I buy a framed print or poster of a New Yorker cartoon or cover?
A: Those items, along with images and covers from Vogue, Vanity Fair, and other Condé Nast magazines, are available for sale on the Condé Nast Store.
Q: I have other questions. Whom can I contact for help?
A: For technical support regarding the website or cart checkout, email worldsupport@mainstreamdata.com. For questions pertaining to the cartoon you're requesting, email image_licensing@condenast.com. Please note that we respond to all inquiries as expediently as possible.