The New Yorker's cartoon tradition started 90 years ago, in the very first issue, published on February 21, 1925. Since then, the magazine has featured more than 80,000 cartoons on its pages and now, every day, on newyorker.com, its apps, and across social media.

Here on The Cartoon Bank, options abound! Along with the illustrations that first appeared in print, the online archive holds additional unpublished cartoons - more than 120,000 total!

Deliver smiles to your customers and profits to your bottom line from the most respected authority in cartoon humor. Whether you're in need of a cartoon license for your company's next power point presentation, newsletter, website launch, and more, or if you'd like to pay to turn a cartoon into a collectible, you're in the right place.

Have a question? Please visit our FAQ page.

If you cannot find the cartoon you are looking for or would rather pay by invoice instead of by credit card, etc., email image_licensing@condenast.com. Please include the following information in your inquiry: The New Yorker issue date, the TCB ID number, and the name of the cartoonist; plus, the rights being requested (book, textbook, website, newsletter, etc.), the work's print run/circulation/page views, the territory of reuse (list all countries that apply), the publisher of the work (if applicable), the reuse type (print and/or digital), and your complete billing information (name, company, address, phone, email).